


心理学文学士 major at Landmark College is designed to prepare students for graduate study or entry-level positions in community mental 健康, 教育, 公共事务, 健康, 人力资源, 以及一系列非营利性职业. Students might also pursue employment in counseling, 格兰特发展, 业务, 或者销售职位, all of which benefit from knowledge of psychology.

Consistent with American Psychological Association (APA) standards, 这个专业的学生探索心理学, 神经的多样性, 和学习. Students will develop re搜索 skills and apply concepts to solving problems and improving the world around them. Experiential opportunities and 实习 are designed for students to grow as professionals through self-reflection, 协作, 项目管理.

了解更多关于B的信息.A. 心理学学士学位

  • 的 psychology major is designed so that students can grow as individuals in a supportive and intellectually challenging environment.

    教师 teaching 在心理学中 are credentialed in their fields and experienced in teaching neurodiverse college students. 的y are committed to the learning of every student, 专注于优势, 对障碍有同情心, and always accessible to provide encouragement, 指导, 和结构.

    自我理解, 同情, and the pursuit of truth through observation and analytical thinking are values reflected in every class.

  • 的 心理学文学士 degree at Landmark College provides opportunities for students to apply psychological and 教育al principles to behavior 和学习 and to demonstrate comprehension of major concepts, 理论观点, 历史趋势, 以及实证研究结果.

    学生可以从社团中获益.g., 实习, 共享研究项目, symposium participation) with the Landmark College Institute for 研究 and 培训 (LCIRT).

  • Hands-on learning approaches lead to many credit-bearing internship opportunities.

    Students pursuing a bachelor’s degree 在心理学中 may choose to do 实习 in the following areas:

    • 教育
    • 法律
    • 训练
    • 社会工作
    • 人类服务
    • 销售和市场营销
    • 神经科学与研究

    在校园, students benefit from internship opportunities with the Landmark College Institute for 研究 and 培训 (LCIRT) and the Landmark College 神经多样性中心.

    Other relevant 实习 for which Landmark College students have received academic credit include experiences with the following organizations/sites:

    • 康帕斯学校,威斯敏斯特,佛蒙特州
    • 佛蒙特州普特尼格林伍德学校
    • 山顶蒙特梭利学校,佛蒙特州伯瑞特伯勒
    • Landmark College Institute for 研究 and 培训
    • 普特尼小学,普特尼,佛蒙特州
    • Parks Place 社区 Resource Center, Bellows Falls, VT
  • 的 心理学文学士 degree at Landmark College is designed to prepare students for graduate study or entry-level positions in:

    • 社区精神健康
    • 教育
    • 公共事务
    • 健康
    • 人力资源
    • 就业咨询
    • 格兰特发展
    • 业务
    • 销售

    For more information and professional skill building opportunities visit the 职业连接网页.

  • 要拿到B.A. 在心理学中 degree, students must complete 121 credits:

    • 主修必修课41学分
      • 24个专业必修学分
      • 17 major required credits that also count toward general 教育
    • 24 additional credits to complete the general 教育 requirements
    • 普通选修课56学分 (20必须在3000/4000级别)


    • BIO3021神经科学 
    • 学习障碍研讨会 
    • MAT1321 Statistics OR MAT2621 Applied Statistics
    • 心理学导论 
    • PSY2021 Child Development OR PSY2031 Adolescent and Adult Development 
    • PSY2071 教育al Psychology OR PSY2081 Cognitive Psychology 
    • 心理学研究方法
    • PSY3071心理学写作
    • PSY4000心理学顶点 
    • Natural 科学 Requirement: Choose one course from
      • BIO1511生物导论
      • BIO1611人类疾病与社会 
      • BIO1522生物学原理2 
      • 健康科学 
    • 多样性 Requirement: Choose one course from
      • PSY3061多样性心理学 
      • 多元世界中的社会认同 
      • 学习困难中的Sem,政治学 & 文化 
    • 高级学位要求
      • Students take two upper-level Psychology courses.


    • WRT1011 Composition and Rhetoric OR WRT1008 Writing Process & 练习第二部分
    • WRT1012研究与分析
    • EDU1011学习的视角
    • COM1011 Intro to Communication OR COM1021 Interpersonal Comm OR COM1071 Public Speaking
    • 人文分布选修课
    • 定量推理分布选修课
    • 创意分配选修课
    • 替代经验

    General Electives: 56 credits (20 at the 3000/4000 level)


  • 在完成B.A. 在心理学中 degree, students will be able to: 

    • Identify and describe major theories in psychology, and the strengths and limitations of those theories. 
    • Examine and evaluate psychological re搜索, including ethical implications.  
    • Examine and describe diversity of lived experiences through a psychological lens.  
    • Describe and analyze their own cultural attitudes and biases.  
    • Write and communicate effectively using discourse practices of the psychology field.  
    • Demonstrate career-ready skills including self-reflection, 协作 and work production. 
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